problems with seeing inserted fill styles

I have got a City map (CD3 Bitmap A). I went with it because it had a background that would work well with how I'm visualising map, but I then realised that most of the fills didn't work with my envisioned map I'm doing for the Village competition, so I imported a map made with Fantasy Town. Everything looked OK until a check through the terrain fills. I then discovered that things were anything but OK. They were all the dirt roads in the preview despite going DRAWTOOLSP -> ADVANCED -> <tool name> properties. It appears as though CD3 Bitmap A is overriding Fantasy Town. Any ideas why?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited August 2024

    You're half way there by importing the fills, Helen, but if you want to use the corresponding drawtools you will also need to change the drawtools style to the preferred style in the dropdown box at the top of the list in the Select drawing tool dialog.

    This is a Mike Schley overland map, but I could change the drawtools to any of those listed.

    It's a little inconvenient because you will have to change it repeatedly every time you open this dialog. It may be easier just to use the change properties tool on the map to change the fill style - providing you have already drawn the terrain shapes.

    Alternatively, if you want to stick with the new style drawing tools and not go back to the original style, you could change the Style in the similar dropdown on the Drawing presets dialog (opens if you hit the Drawing Properties button at the top)

    My apologies if this doesn't help with keyboard commands. Maybe Remy or one of the others can help interpret?

  • edited August 2024

    I'm doing your first suggestion but having checked by creating a Fantasy Town map and checking the fill tools I found they aren't showing the fields - which is mainly what I want anyhow - and on one that I checked in detail, the drop down list within Properties doesn't have any fields at all! I do switch templates as I need to if I've combined templates, always have. :)

    EDIT: on a whim, I checked another field - field yellow - and found it sitting at the bottom underneath the legacy things so this was below Zigzag but it was only the text that was there, not the fill.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    If you intend to use mainly the new style it might be best to create a new map in that style of the same size and copy and paste from your existing map to the new one. That will automatically give you all the right fills and tools, as well as preserve the fills you want to keep from the old style.

    The only drawback (and I forgot to mention this above), is that where the styles have different sheet names and different effects (even on sheets with the same name), you might have to do a bit of tooing and froing between the maps - copying and pasting sheet effects, and moving sheets around in the list to get the ones imported from the old map in the right order.

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