Export lights to Foundry
I've owned CC3+ with DD3 for a long time, but never spent the time to master it. I use FoundryVTT to play online and in person using a projector table. Can CC3+ export VTT format maps that include wall and lighting data, or just images?
The list of different types of export can be found in the File type dropdown when you Save as...
So the answer is, unfortunately, no. Not yet, anyway.
Thanks for the quick answer. Are there any plans to support that in the future? A module for Foundry that can import an FCW file, perhaps?
I can't say for sure. Maybe one of the other team members can shed some light.
I believe similar discusions have previously revolved around the matter that despite much talk there still isn't a standard file format accepted and adopted across the industry.
How about FCW as the standard 😉
It seems .dd2vtt is taking the lead as the de facto standard.
Loopysue! They can "shed some light!" At least *I* got it.
https://arkenforge.com/universal-vtt-files/ would indicate there's an industry consensus. Pretty please implement soon.
I think finding an export option would be ideal for CC to help it keep/solidify its place in mapping software; however that link states that Roll20 and Foundry do not have native support. Therefore, there is not an industry consensus. Arkenforge is attempting to create an industry standard, but that is different from there being one.
If I were Profantasy, I would reach out to Roll 20 and Foundry to see about creating a specific file type that works with their systems as they are the dominant players.
And from what I've seen, the "universal" in UVTT isn't as universal as the word implies. The basic structure of walls seems to be, but stuff like lights, not so much.
I'd just like to point out one thing here that may be of interest though. From the article Derek posted, several of the VTT's only supported it because the community wrote a script/importer/plugin.
Community effort is a great thing, and for a thing like this, maybe someone in the community would consider writing their own add-on to CC3+ to support this? Of course, this does require a bit of programming, but if C++ doesn't scare you, all you need to get started is here:
One should be able to gather more or less all the information needed by walking the drawing list and process the values.
I've thought about this very idea, Monsen. The question that keeps me from attempting anything like an export is the time line for CC4. I'd hate to dedicate time to an addon when the API or even the entire premise might change at some time which might even be before the addon is finished. Learning XP was fun, but the practicality of it is questionable this late in the life of CC3 with no hard info.
I can't speak for Roll20, but for Foundry, not much is supported by Foundry itself, everything it does it does because of community made modules. The dd2vtt file type importer module works with exports from several map makers (thus the justification in calling it universal), so the question is whether it's easier to add an export type that works with that existing module, or create a module that works with existing supported file types. My guess is the former, but I don't know enough about the FCW format to know for sure.
While talking about VTTs, lets not forget about Fantasy Grounds!
FG does have a universal VTT map import tool (not by Smiteworks/FG proper) and it's extremely helpful.
Foundry, as someone else mentioned, has a module that does the same and also extremely useful. I've slipped into using other tools that export universal VTT because of it lately because it saves a lot of time (walls/etc).
Thanks for the response Celestian. So, YOU have used the FG U VTT map import tool on a CC3+ map?
What is the name of the FG universal VTT map import tool?
I think it's safe to say at this point that the basic xp mechanics and entity layouts will be compatible between cc3 and cc4. Most cc3 xps should run in cc4 without alteration.
There have been some cleanups in the cc4sdk relating to type information (a lot of DWORD fields now have a more reasonable type appropriate to their function), so you might need to remove some type casts and maybe formally return an int from what used to be a void if you want to recompile the xp specifically for cc4.