How to I restore Style Defaults?

I am using the dungeon styles. However, when I go to create a room or a corridor, it sets it to the wrong settings. Previously, presumably when I was making a dungeon, I had changed it for the map I was making. I never saved anything outside of that map. However, it does not seem to matter what style I pick, it won't load the style defaults but instead what I manually selected weeks ago. I have tried selecting multiple styles and it is always the same.
Are you talking about new maps you start from the templates, or existing ones?
New maps where I decide the settings myself.
Can you show me a screen shot of the settings in a newly created dungeon map? I will compare it with what I have by creating a new one in the same style.
It does not matter what map style I pick. It is always those blues for corridor and rooms.
The fills for the DD3 corridor/room tools unfortunately cannot be set via the style, so they will always be the same as last time you use them. You need to manually just pick different options in those fill style boxes before using those tools in a new map. Only fills from the current style should be listed there.
That is annoying, but thanks for letting me know.
That's surely a wishlist item for CC4, right? :)
Being able to load/save presets would be nice.