Colorize Whole vs Sheet

I am playing around with Fantasy Town. I discovered that while the buildings on the symbol sheet can be colorized, other symbols like bridges or trees won't work with being colorized. This is pretty typical and I am a bit surprised it worked on the buildings.

However, if I apply the colorize effect to the whole drawing instead of a sheet, then it does change the color of all of the symbols.

So, what is the difference? Why does the whole drawing manage to change the color of all of the symbols (along with everything else) but on the particular sheet it does not do it for some symbols?


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    It's because the symbols on each sheet are redrawn after the sheet effects are applied. However, the whole map effects are applied right at the very end of the rendering process - after all the redrawing has been done.

    If you want to cancel that redrawing use the keyboard command DELAYDRAWSYM and enter zero as the value instead of 1. This only lasts for the session and has to be repeated for each session.

    While DELAYDRAWSYM = 0 may get you what you want with the symbols, it can cause issues with any semitransparent parts of the symbols. They disappear. So this is not a good thing to do to a style like Marine Dungeon (for example) which has many seaweed symbols that are partly translucent.

  • That would seem to make sense, but why is it when I put colorize on the symbols sheet it works on some symbols, but not others? Wouldn't the redraw remove it from all of them?

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    I don't think symbols that have map files to control the roof shading are redrawn. So they are affected by the sheet effects. You can also use Color Key and other sheet effects on them. Color Key can be quite useful to make ruins by cutting holes in the roofs.

  • I had no idea color key could be used on symbols. Good to know.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    Only on the symbols that have map files - the building symbols.

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