Community Atlas - Doriant - Radizarela
I have taken this bit of Doriant which would otherwise be overlooked in the larger scheme of things. I am using a style I have not used before, from the 2016 annual - Realms of Legend.
Here is my beginning.
I have taken this bit of Doriant which would otherwise be overlooked in the larger scheme of things. I am using a style I have not used before, from the 2016 annual - Realms of Legend.
Here is my beginning.
That was fast! 😀 And beautiful.
Text to come. It fits between what has already been mapped, and the area you are going to map.
I just like to fill in the unmapped little spaces that otherwise would miss out, and it gives me a chance to use a style I otherwise would not use. i use Mike Schley as the main basis for my own fantasy world.
I am really looking forward to your map. You can start on it now - it has not been taken, and Remy won't mind if you start now.
I will probably use Mike Schley's style for mine, but I like the idea of playing with different map styles for different nooks and corners of the map.
I’m curious about your approach for taking a portion of a larger map and delving deeper. I am rewatching Ralf's video from three years ago, Live Mapping: Detail Maps. Do you do something like that? Or do you do something else, like maybe importing an image of the portion of the map to draw over?
I use Ralf's method mainly, but if the map is not too cluttered, i do use the drawing over an image - which is what I did with this map.
The finished map, ready for submission to Remy when he returns.
This is great!
Along the lower edge, the label for Heart of Darkness is in magenta. Is that intentional, or was it supposed to be red?
Intentional - it is EEEVVVIILLLLLL
And I also processed this for the atlas. Sorry for spamming everyone with thread updates :)