Gurgen's Rock - Mining outpost

I threw this together for Monday night's session. Dark Lands City and SS2. The rock face is a third party texture applied using the Texture Overblend Effect. Enjoy.
I threw this together for Monday night's session. Dark Lands City and SS2. The rock face is a third party texture applied using the Texture Overblend Effect. Enjoy.
@DaltonSpence Here you go, I use generic names for my FCW files, as you can see. I suspect you will find I am horribly inefficient at using sheets, that I have yet to actually start using layers properly and I tend to brute force stuff... Try not to laugh to hard :-) Any advice you can offer will be well appreciated.
The third party textures are from PBE Games. They sell a lot of maps, this a very minor part of their protfolio that I stumbled across on DTRPG.
No, I did not. I take a lot of ground /grass.etc. entities outside of the map area because I use edge fade inner on most of them and if I stop at the map edge the entities fade at the border. Is there another way to stop this from happening? That said, I use Save as rectangular section jpg and cut off the border for the images I post.
@DaltonSpence Thank you, I will try both of those. Much appreciated.
This is great. I haven't used Texture Overblend much except when it was preset in a style. I'm going to practice with it -- I'm working on a castle that could use cliffs like that. Have you considered a slight Wall Shadow on the buildings?
@Royal Scribe I had completely forgotten to add the Wall Shadow effect, thanks for the reminder. I've been trying to get rock face/cliff face type features in various maps for about a year now. I tried a lot of things using the various rock drawing tools in several CC3+ dungeon and city styles but it wasn't getting there. PBE Games has a numner of different textures, mostly rock types, that can change the look a lot. I have not moved beyond figuring out the texture scaling and picking the base texture. The lower map is a different texture pack.
I think this is great. I love the texture.
The only thing I suggest is to compare the length of the cliff's shadow with the shadow of, say, a building. I think the cliff shadow is too short.
Maybe that's a perspective thing. Most of the map is overhead, but the cliff is not. I'd say that if the cliff were narrower and the entrances were at a sharper angle, it would match even better.
These are just comments, as I think the map is really good.
@Kertis Henderson I think you are correct. The shadow on the cliff is hand drawn so it is not scaled well. I may have tried to add a shadow with the wall shadow effect when I started the map and it didn't work...who needs notes... :-). I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the feedback.
@DaltonSpence @Kertis Henderson Dueling effects, I worked it out...although I like your idea too D...