Live Mapping: Ancient Cities

Hi everyone! :D
In this week's live mapping session Ralf will be trying out the latest Cartographer's Annual issue (June 2024): Ancient Cities
Come along and join in the chat here on Youtube:
Or if you prefer you can watch it here:
We look forward to seeing you there :)
30 minute shout :)
Awesome session. I hope one day to be half as proficient as he is.
I am so amazed at how quickly he puts a city together.
Hoping the updated annual comes soon, as I prefer to use metric version.
I've updated the Annual with fixes to the drawtools and the metric version.
And here is the live map as far as I got with it in the session.
Thanks Ralf :)
The drawing units on the metric version still show feet. This screen shot is from the metric version.
However, the scale seems to be metric.
Do I just change the measurement to meters, and NOT rescale?
Yes, exactly. The display is simply cosmetic. I forgot to set that, sorry, but it is simply making that change in the drawing properties, with no recaling.
Also, the Annual download has been updated with that change.
Been getting back into mapmaking. I was pleased that I could actually Trace things on the first try when I was following along!
A collorally question. Having seen the Knockout approach used for a number of styles, has their been any thought to try it with a dungeon style? I played around with it using Shchley and found it worked pretty well if I did this:
Overall, it felt like a quick and easy approach for a standard dungeon.