Is there a way to get Fractal Terrains mapping info?

So I made a planet with Fractal Terrains and I've made maps of different sections of the planet in Campaign Cartographer.

There is a major disaster that happens to the planet later in the story that I'm writing that takes place on the planet.

This disaster leaves a large crater and displaces the water from the section of the planet that had the disaster and adds it to the rest of the planet.

I'll have before and after maps of the planet for before the disaster and after. I want to know how much the water level rises from after the disaster so I can calculate the change in sea level.

I have a way to calculate that, so I'll be able to estimate how much to move my shorelines out (I have the 'after' maps made and want to make the 'before' maps).

But the last thing I need is what % of my planet is water, and what % is land. I'm not finding any option for that in the functions of the Fractal Terrains program and wondered if there is somewhere within the program where I can get that information, or if not, I'd like if such a function were added to the program. Like the Info button in Campaign Cartographer, but more complex for all the different sections you can have in your planet. Like what % of the planet is Deserts, or what % of LAND is Deserts, (Land being above 0 Altitude) things like that. Having the option to calculate all the different separations of the planet (Altitudes, Climates, Rainfall, Temperature) based on the whole planet, per land mass, based on all land, or all ocean, or altitude, etc.

For my specific case, a calculation as simple as % of surface above/below X altitude (since below 0 would be oceans and above 0 would be land). But all the extra options would be very useful as well.

My planet is my own (Made from a flat planet), but I use Earth and geographical science for reference when mapping certain things and I see having an ability to get the ratio of a planet's sections as very useful.

If you look up "what percent of the earth is desert" for example, google tells you 33% of land, but 9.5% of the earth's total surface area. If I'm wanting to make planets that are similar to earths, or just similar to one another, ratios/percentages would be helpful.

One of the useful references I've found for measuring rising sea level is

Using that and a few other resources, I can get an estimate for how much further out my land would be, but again, how much the sea level rises depends on how much water is displaced onto the rest of the planet that wasn't affected by the disaster.

So the question is, assuming it IS possible in the program:

How can I get ratio/percentage information on my planet's sections? I.e. Specific Climates, ranges of Rainfall and or Temperature, or ranges of Altitude based on different selections of the planet, like ranges of ° in Latitude (for northern/southern hemisphere, polar cap, equator, tropics of Cancer and Capricorn comparisons), ranges in Altitude, the planet as a whole, or potentially specific landmasses (that could also be useful for localized comparisons).

P.S. A similar function for Campaign Cartographer could also be useful, to measure based on different terrains for example, but the big sciency questions I'm having are about the planet as a whole, so Campaign Cartographer's functionality doesn't pertain to my question.


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    As far as I know, FT doesn't support such a function, sorry. I put the request onto the FT wish list, but I have no idea when the next FT update might be out.

    A sort of workaround would be to select the climate range of interest, save that selection as an image, then use an external program to count the number of pixels. You would need to account for per-pixel distortion of the map projection (Sinusoidal is an equal-area projection where it wouldn't matter), but it would generate a result. Abusing selections in this manner also allows you to remove parts of the selection that don't interest you spatially (for example, unselect everything but a single continent).

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