FRACTAL TERRAIN: Polar Shift not working in Demo version

Hello everyone! I'm completely new to the community and I'm starting to test Fractal Terrain 3 to see if it works for my project.

I want to generate an imaginary ice age Earth with a severe polar shift (the north pole in Hudson Bay) lower sea level, some imaginary islands, etc. Create an imaginary prehistoric world where Atlantis exists and so on. 

I am trying to move the north pole using the North Pole Position function on the Secondary Tab of the World Settings Dialogue. When I include the latitude and longitude coordinates of the center of Hudson Bay...nothing happens. The map does not recalculate, the perspective does not change. It is as if the North Pole is still in the same place, there is no modification whatsoever.

Can someone help me? Would it work with the full version? I would like to purchase the product but the polar shift is essential for my project and I would like to know if it is possible.

Thank you all for your help and best regards!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    I think there are some limits concerning what those value will actually change. I am pretty sure they only change the fractal function, i.e. the randomly generated world, and does not affect imported real world data or manual editing. From your description of working with Earth and Hudson Bay, I assume that may be the issue for you.

    Not that it will help you do what you are trying to do, but I am pretty sure if you generate a new synthetic world and then change those values, the world should reorient.

    I don't use that function very often though, maybe @jslayton have anything to add or correct.

  • Hi Monsen!

    Thank you, sorry If I sound stupid. I can modify those values little by little or not?

    Can I use an earth map from another source and there the pole can shift or also not, only possible in a Synhtetic world?

    Best regards and thank you for your answer

  • I saw in a forum somebody was able to do it years ago but no explanation of how he did it

  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    FT has no ability to reproject binary data or its editing data. As Monsen says, FT's move pole function only works on the underlying fractal function (synthetic worlds).

    To do what you're asking, you would need to reproject the equirectangular data to another equirectangular projection using an external utility like gdalwarp. QGIS might make that process a little easier if you would prefer a GUI system rather than command line, but that's a pretty big chunk of software.

    LoopysueDon Anderson Jr.
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    For that forum post you linked above, the posting right above says "take a look here" with a link to a profantasy forum post called "shifted earth" that has tutorials and links to software that may be able to do what you want.

    Don Anderson Jr.Loopysue
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