Symbol catalog refuses to change back

I'm not sure if my CC3 installation is cursed or rather somehow damaged. I was experimenting with the Modern Mapper "Modern Political" overland map style. Eventually decided I needed to refresh the basics and created a new map during the same session to recreate a map from the Tome of Ultimate Mapping using the classic Schley style. Now I wanted to go back to the Modern Political map - and the symbols aren't returning. Even if I start a new map now in that style, the symbols I get are still the same basic Schley ones. I can manually load in another catalog, but once I click on "coast/sea" etc. the Schley ones return. I have a bunch of annuals and additional packages installed.
There's a few things funky with my installation it seems. I wonder if you can somehow screw things up by not installing components in the right order. Any suggestions here? Does this make sense?
If the symbol catalog buttons doesn't load correctly, it is usually an indication that the master filter was not loaded with the map. Which it should absolutely do with the Modern Political maps.
Can you try loading the filter manually => Right click Symbol Style Toggle
and pick master filter settings, from that dialog, hit LOAD and pick the CA42 filter in the list. Now, the dialog should look like the below image. Make sure filter 1 is the selected one in the dialog before hitting ok, and try the buttons again.
Now what do I do if there is no CA42 in the list...
If I add it manually (just expand number of filters to use and type in "CA42"), I get no symbols at all.
The thing behaves as if I hadn't installed the package. But it worked the first time I used it.
Something's off here. I created a new COSMOGRAPHER project, from there created a new Modern Political CC3+ overland map project, and that had the symbols return - but then looking at what catalog it had loaded, it was somehow still stuck in Cosmographer, and when I clicked on CC3+ it reverted back to the Schley catalog even though the project is Modern Political.
I get this too, which is a) not the Modern Political symbols, and b) by FAR not all the symbols I have installed...
What happens if you click advanced in that dialog (Symbol Catalog Settings
), then put an asterisk
in the catalog settings filter box, and writeCA42
in the Master filter and hit "Find Now"? Do you get the same list of catalogs that I do in the screenshot?Nope, nothing. Results in an empty list.
I can navigate to the respective symbol catalog manually, using the "open symbols" button on top of the symbol selection bar. I can then also use the symbols in the map, meaning I'm not getting any error messages. But I can't seem to get CC3+ to actually load those symbols internally, since if I then click on "Border/Political" etc. it's just back to the MS symbols.
So, I'm futzing around a little. I can create maps with all kinds of styles and symbol catalogs, each overwriting the generic "example.fcw" I created to essentially bugfix this. Whenever I then go and overwrite this Example.fcw with a new map using the modern political style, it just retains the last symbol style I used for some reason. So apparently something specifically related to that symbol set is borked...
Yea, if it can't load the right symbols style, it will just remain at the previous one. Doesn't have anything to do with the file you're saving to, but the current CC3+ instance.
Can you check two more things for me? I suspect a bug with the installer for that style, but I want to verify a few things.
First, if you click the Map Notes
button, select the OnOpenMacro and hit Edit, what is the text in there?
Also, what happens if you repeat the steps from my previous post, but type
in the filed instead of CA42?On Open Macro text:
MENUDM @fcw32.mnu
CATALOG @Symbols/Maps/CA42_Symbols.FSC
Searching for SS3e yields nothing.
Thanks. It seems pretty clear you are missing some of the files required for this style, both the master filter settings, and the symbol catalog settings.
I am suspecting an error in the installer.
I'll have to refer you to customer support, they can help you get this in order. You can find the technical support contact form on your registered user pages. I recommend referring them to this thread.
Yeah, I got this with one of the more recent Humble Bundles. I hear those installers can be iffy...