CD3: Advanced Street Settings

I want to use multiple saved house settings in the "Street Options" dialog for random streets but there is a whole long list of settings available (mostly from annuals and add-ons) that I have no idea about. Is there any way to learn about them without examining each one individually? Or should I create my own set of custom house settings from scratch?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    The only way is really to just load them up in the house style editor [HOUSEOPT] and look at them one by one.

    To quickly look through them without clicking yourself to death, take advantage of the fact that Windows GUI components are keyboard friendly. Simply use the top dropdown and click on the very first style in the list to select it and collapse the list, then as long as you don't click any other controls, it will be the active control, and you can go through the styles using the arrow keys.

    Loopysueroflo1msshakilseo AbdurSEO
  • 8 days later
  • Thanks for asking a question that many people, or at least I, want the answer to.

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