drawing color key shapes
How do I draw color key shapes? I have the color key at the top of the list of effects but, because I don't use it very often, I can't remember if I have to have a fill or how to actually draw the shape.
Best Answer
Loopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
For some reason the knockout colour had been changed to a pale blue.
It needs to be the same colour as the shape you draw.
You can draw them with any of the shape drawing tools on the right toolbars. All you need to do is make sure you are on the right sheet, have the fill style set to solid and the colour set to the colour key (default colour 6 - magenta).
the problem is that the template I'm using [can't remember which 'revisited' one it is, sorry] doesn't have a solid fill style. All the fills are coloured in some way. I even tried a solid white before I posted here
You should find it under brush patterns.
I found it but its not cutting out! I even went as far as to move the land to check it was on top of the water.
For some reason the knockout colour had been changed to a pale blue.
It needs to be the same colour as the shape you draw.
Thanks Sue, but I didn't touch the color key! All is fixed now though 🐱
Great :)