Q: Import real star data into Cosmographer?


I know that Cos3 came with a sample map that uses real star data, and I am wondering how that data was imported into the map. Does anyone know how that was done? I'd like to do the same thing for a 2d star map for my game.




  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    That map was created via an excel sheet with the data, and a script file created from that data.

    Take a look in your CC3+ programdata folder in the "Scripts" subfolder. You should see a "stardata.xls" file and various script files. If you look at the spreadsheet that it contains all the commands and data which appear in the script files - the scr files where generated from that spreadsheet.

    In CC3+ you can create a new map, and then run the script via Tools > Macros > Script File to insert all the stars as symbols into the map. You will have to replace all # with @ in the script file first though, as that has changed in CC3+.

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeWyvernubaiGlitch
  • ubaiubai Newcomer

    One other question please, what does the SYMBOLISO command do? I have tried googling but cannot find it in the script command list I found on your site.

    Thanks again!

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    It places a height symbol as the Stars in the Cosmo 3 style are. It expects the symbol catalog and the symbol name as input next, and then the location and height of the symbol.

    You can always try out such a command by typing it at the command line in CC3+.

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