Weldarmon-Gyaflaggio region

This stream will be dedicated to this region only.

I am still undecided whether to use Schley Symbols for the structures, or more generic ones, as shown here. Opinions very welcome, and in fact necessary. In places I have used both, with one or other to be removed once you all help me make my decision.

Here are a few areas already mapped out fairly completely, with the last the least complete to date.

This is THE core area, with many adventure sites already mapped and keyed in with both map and text links.

This is the whole of Gyaflaggio - not complete in the western area of the map.

These are small nations to the north of Gyaflaggio

This is Western Bolasov - the least complete so far, and no use of Schley structure symbols. Comments on that please.

  1. Which is best - Schley structure symbols or 13th Age generic symbols4 votes
    1. Schley structure symbols - as in the second map
    2. 13th Age generic symbols, as in the last 3 maps
MonsenRicko HascheJimP
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