FT3 Question
You can import FT3-generated landmasses to CC3+ but I'm wondering if there is a way to go in reverse--can you export from CC3+ and use a landmass as a basis to flesh out a wider world in FT3?
You can import FT3-generated landmasses to CC3+ but I'm wondering if there is a way to go in reverse--can you export from CC3+ and use a landmass as a basis to flesh out a wider world in FT3?
FT3 wants to import things in the Equirectangular map projection (the plate caree variant). If your cc3+ map is in that projection then you can export an image from cc3+ and import that image into FT3.
If your map is in a different projection than Equirectangular, then there are tools like gdal or reprojectimage ( http://www.fracterra.com/ReprojectImage.zip ) that can reproject the image to the required input.
Somebody ought to do a live stream on that.
Hmm. I thought we had discussed this in these forums, but all I can find are ft3 to CC3 threads.
Ralf does demonstrate it at the end of this "Fractal Terrains to Parchment World" tutorial (around the 38 minute mark), using a full world Parchment Map that he had created the week before.
Thank you, everyone! This forum is filled with such amazing people. I appreciate all of you!