More a request...

edited February 2024 in Product Questions

In a minute flat I traced out this very easy test using @Loopysue 's Marine Dungeons. Obviously I've done nothing with it yet!

But it got me to a lifelong devotee of the sea, and living right on the coast, how about an annual overland style for undersea kingdoms? It could include colour depth similar to the Marine Dungeons, coral structure symbols, seafloor roads, kelp fields, submarine geysers and hot vents, ocean current markers as a kind of road (!), continental shelf, abyssal plains and hills, seamounts, a reverse "hill tool" which would show where an island emerges, being to marine peoples like a mountain whose top disappears into the air....

The applications range from Atlantis to Tristan and Isolde's Lost Land of Lyonesse, Heracleion, Kaskarra, and so much more. Easily expanded to include Marine Cities! Oh, in the holy names of Poseidon, Neptune, Agwe Towoyo, La Sirene Diamon, Manannan Mac Lir, Amphitrite, Njord and the magnificent Blibdoolpoolp, please, lets make this happen...

  1. Do you want a sea style like this?17 votes
    1. Yes
    2. Oh my Lord, yes
    3. No, I have no heart
JimPMonsenRoyal ScribeRickoLoopysueQuentenWyvern


  • I could not hit "Oh my Lord, yes" faster. I am planning to create an underwater civilization down the road, and having a sea style and marine cities style would be perfect. Especially if they are also compatible with the two Marine Dungeons from the annuals.

    I used the Marine Dungeons as the base template for my Greco-Roman temple, which inspired me to then incorporate a fountain (or reflecting pool) in the temple and an anemone pool in the nearby botanical garden. In the future, it will also be the template I'll use when I design my Roman-style baths. (The baths are going to need an aqueduct to supply water to it, and will deposit wastewater into the sewers, so I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's annual.) The Marine Dungeons are super versatile and any future annuals that piggyback on them would be welcome indeed.

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    I love your temple. It's inspirational! I'd love to figure out how to make other floor inlays like the ones in Marine Dungeons 2.

    Royal Scribe
  • WyvernWyvern 🖼 236 images Cartographer
    edited March 2024

    Well, I did already tinker together a few symbols for overland undersea use like this, which are available as part of the Atlas download pack. You can see some of them in-use on my deep sea-bed Errynor Map One - The Cliff map in the Atlas. If you dig around among the other seafloor maps from that one, you'll see I carried out a few more experiments with home-made undersea symbols, and the reuse of non-undersea symbols as undersea ones too!

    I have to say too, that making new vector symbols for this kind of mapping is far easier than making bitmap ones 😁!

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