Weird Color Setting Bug, or Am I Missing Something?

edited February 2024 in Community Support

Hi, relative newbie here. I got CC3+ via the most recent Humble Bundle, and, after adding a few things, have been working on a map using Mike Schley Overland as a way to learn it (plus a few YouTube videos). A lot of trial and error, and for the most part I've been able to figure everything out. Until now.

I am trying to set a custom color for rivers and lakes, but no matter what I've tried, my map keeps reverting back to a color that apparently had been already saved as a custom color on the common sheet (a bright green). (Maybe a default? I don't recall setting that before.) I've tried to set my color the usual ways -- setting the color for the sheet as a whole, using Change Properties to select rivers/lakes and selecting the color that way. The color dialog always shows my preferred color when I OK my way out of the dialog, and then the rivers and lakes change to the color I've selected.

All good, right? Not so much. When I click on almost any button immediately after that -- Zoom Extents, Vegetation symbols, etc -- the map reverts to a the bright green even though that is the color I had replaced with my custom color.

To make matters worse -- and this is why I think there is a bug -- the sheet box at the top of the screen now shows S: Common Sheet with the bright green next to it and I cannot get it to focus on another sheet. For example, if I click on S: Common Sheet to pull up the sheets window and select any other sheet, after I click OK the sheet box quickly shows the name of the sheet I choose before reverting back to S: Common Sheet.

So, this seems to be more than a color selection issue. Have I inadvertently changed a setting that has me stuck in this loop, or is this a genuine bug? Any suggestions about what I ought to do next? I'd really like my rivers and lakes not to have this radioactive green color.

(And I apologize if I haven't explained the problem well. I haven't learned all of the terminology for CC3+ yet.)


  • I should add that I searched the forum for related posts and the only thing that popped up for me offered a solution to someone else's problem that didn't work for me. It involved going to the Drawing Properties dialog  and clicking Attach to drawing. That didn't stick in my case, and as I noted above, clicking on other buttons causes my drawing to revert to another color and get stuck on the Common Sheet.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    The way to change the colour of an existing entity is to use the Change Properties tool and select the entity you want to change, then Do It. You have to pick the colour you want in the dialog that opens.

    Please can you upload the FCW file so that we can see what's making these very green rivers and lakes?

  • Thanks, yes, Change Properties is what I tried initially because that's what I'd been doing previously to alter colors etc. and I only tried other things after that failed to set the color I wanted.

    In looking at the help file again, I think I may have misunderstood how to set custom colors, and what threw me off was the odd behavior of CC3 in reverting to a previous color when I clicked an unrelated button (e.g., Zoom Extents). It looks as though the root of my problem was that I had somehow not set the custom color on the 256-color palette.

    So, after posting my query, I continued playing with it and successfully set it to another color that is not bright green using one from the standard palette. That is the version of the FCW I attached. The color I have isn't bad, but isn't the one I'd hoped to define. So, assuming I've diagnosed my problem correctly, could you demystify for me how I set a custom color without triggering the weird behavior I saw before?

    Thanks again!

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Thanks :)

    I was hoping to see the bright green rivers, but that may not be necessary now that you've added a bit more information.

    You say you are 'setting custom colours'. Are you doing this by making changes to the colour palette?

    If you are editing the palette and not just picking alternative colours from the same unedited palette, the process will look like this, where you open the palette and pick the colour you want to change, then hit Define Color. That brings up the Colour dialog where you can repick the existing colour from the first little box on that double row of Custom colours and then edit it using the controls on the right. When you OK the edited colour it then appears in the palette. I've temporarily changed that green to white so you can see what I mean.

    In order to keep that colour as it is you would have to attach the modified palette to this map by clicking Attach to Drawing in the Drawing Presets dialog.

    However, none of that is going to help if you are 'setting custom colours' another way

  • Yes, thanks! That's exactly what I needed. It looks like I was skipping a crucial final step in saving my custom color in the modified palette to the map via that last step.

    I appreciate your quick and thorough response (even without the bright green rivers).

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    edited February 2024

    You're welcome :)

    Don't forget that you also have to save the map after you attach that palette ;)

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