[WIP] Parchment Style Map
🖼️ 56 images Traveler
Hello to you mappers 😀
Today I started to work with the fresh parchment style and started my first map with it.
Not yet finished (the most dreaded part of mapping - naming things - has to be done later), but I finally understood how to explode the navigation lines. Yay!
A cool style for maps, I like it.
I'm back after years and trying to figure out nav lines!
What really helped me get it was this video:
There it's shown, it needs the "trim to entity", and then the lines really explode up to the map border. It still needs a bit of work, but it's worth it.
This is great! I checked out Sue's short tutorial on it as well (https://rpgmaps.profantasy.com/shore-and-ocean-effects-for-overland-maps-part-3-roses-and-rhumb-lines/) and between these two feel well equipped now. If only there was a dedicated tool that made it easier!
And now it's done. In two versions, one with regular background, one a bit more pale. I like them both.