Facebook login going away - Please read if you use Facebook to log into this forum

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
edited March 8 in Site Matters

Due to changes in requirements from Facebook, the option to use your Facebook account to login to this forum is no longer available.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

What does this mean for me?

First of all, this only affects users that use their Facebook account to log into these forums. Most of our users do not, and do not need to do anything.

But for the users who have been using Facebook login, this means they will need to switch to use the regular username/password login instead.

Your forum account will not have changed. Even if you created it using Facebook login in the first place, an account was still created on this forum, using the email address from your Facebook account. This means that even if you cannot use the Facebook login button anymore, you can still login using your email address as your username. If you don't know your password, since you normally wouldn't have been using this when using the Facebook login, you can simply use the forgot password feature with your email address to set a new one. (Note: Your forum password is NOT the same as your Facebook password, Facebook only provided us your email address to create the account, they don't share your password).

If you need any help, please contact help@profantasy.com and we will help you to ensure continued access to the forums.


The Google login plugin will still remain active. If your google account uses the same email address as your Facebook account, you should be able to switch seamlessly to that one, although you do need to know the password to your account (se above) to associate the Google login with your existing account for the first time. Otherwise, for easy login, I recommend picking a unique password for the forum that you don't use anywhere else and just save the credentials in your browser for the standard login.

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