WIP Ryecroft Town

I needed a small town for my DnD 5e campaign and I thought I would try something different. Lopsford is a small settlement founded in frontier lands that has become a neutral trading hub for the surrounding factions. Still playing around with ways to depict stone and cliffs.
Feedback and suggestions always welcome.
Looks good !
Thank you JimP
Are the builders looking for the resources to make the gates?
Or, are you, the mapper, looking for the resources for the gates?
Good catch. I did not finish the gates. Oops
Love the map, btw.
In your thought process, how many people do you envision as living in this town? Populations always gte me.
Population between 500-600 individuals. The homes are multigenerational, family size is 6-10. Businesses would support a family and at least one apprentice. A significant portion of the population hunt or forage plants. Supporting farms would be beyond the boarders of the map.
Intended to be a simple keep and the leaders residence with a guard contingent.
Now with Gates (TM) :-)