Printing out high res maps

Hi, Is there a way to print out a high res copy of the map that can be zoomed in and out of without using CC3? I tried print to PDF, and it does not work.

Also one map crashes when trying to do print pdf, and Save as PDF does not work, also crashes


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    How big are you trying to print it?

    The pixel size.

  • I'm just trying to print it out so I can zoom in without loosing all the info and detail. PDF will not work, nor will JPG or BMP and the PNG option (Crashes or has no data) will not do it either

  • As for size? Does not matter, just trying to be able to zoom in

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    Although you can zoom in and out as much as you like in the CC3 window, there is a limit to how large a bitmap can be exported at one time. The usual limit is around 10,000 pixels square. This size includes any antialiasing you have on the export. Check the size at the bottom right of the export settings in the options when exporting a bitmap.

    CC3 doesn't usually crash if you exceed that size. It normally just tells you the export is too large. Things might be different with PDFs, but I've never used PDFs so I can't say. If I want a pdf I open the bitmap I've just exported in my bitmap editor and export it from there as a PDF, but usualy the bitmap is what I'm after.

    If you want to create a larger image than 10,000 pixels square you will need to export it in bitmap sections no bigger than 10,000 pixels square and stitch the sections together in a bitmap editor. I would take care not to go too large, though, since a lot of bitmap editors can't cope with much more than about 30,000 pixels square, unless you have something outrageously expensive like PS.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    It is worth noting that a single image file really cannot contain as much detail as the original CC3+ map, unless it is a very small map.

    This is just a limit of images, really. While you can certainly export an image large enough that you can do zooms in it, you can't get the same quality as inside CC3+ itself.

    If you are interested in very large exports, you can have a look at the large exports annual, it contains scripts that help you do what Sue suggests, export in pieces and stitch together, but as she says, you still quickly runs into issues with the image formats themselves.

    I have done a 200000 x 200000 pixel export using this technique, but the image file is basically unusable, no programs actually manage to open that file. The only thing I could do with it was creating a zoomable web view (Go to and hit the "Zoomable Image" button). It is quite impressive, but of limited use.

  • I have annual 17, but don't find the instructions. Do know know where it might be hiding?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    They're in that annual issue's folder: @Annual\Issue 129 - Large Exports\

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    The scripts themselves should be working. I just gave them a run through now, and they work fine as far as I can tell.

    But from your error message, it sounds like the saving is failing for some reason.

    What resolution and anti-aliasing settings do you have for the export? If it is too high, CC3+ will fail to save and you get messages similar to those.

  • I have tried up to the limit of 5000, and keep it at the default of 75 I think

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Resolution of 5000x5000 with an antialias of 75 is not going to work for most people. That high of an antialiasing setting is generating a work image of over 11000x11000. Pushing it that high can work if the stars are aligned just right, but is not recommended.

    For the sake of testing the script, try something more reasonable, such as a resolution of 2500x2500 and antialias of 20%. You can try to increase it when you know things work at that level.

    When I test the scripts, I usually just set the res to 1000x1000 without antialias. The final result won't be great, but it runs through things that much faster.

  • Even with those numbers I get the same error as above and I have a beefy gaming system

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Weird. Which of the scripts are you trying to run?

    Also, what happens if you try it on the standard overland tutorial map that comes with CC3: @Tutorials\UserManual\Example.fcw

  • So, per the documentation, you go to tools>options>bmp, jpeg, png> do the settings.

    Then load your map>tools>macros>script files> load one of the 3 tile>ok

    It starts to render then errors, tries to render, errors, continues until you close it

    If I load the map then do a save as and select the file type of png, it starts to render and closed CC3+

    I got it to work once

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer

    Yea, that's the correct procedure.

    You say that CC3+ crashes even when doing a regular save as png. Do that happen for any map, or just some maps in particular?

  • I have not tried other maps. Will latter

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