CD3 - houses city blocks

I am going into CD3 and I am trying to adapt this watabou map:
I am struggling with random houses settings to get similar block of houses. I just end with houses not wide enough. I messed with the setting but the result is not good.
Are there some specifics houses settings to know about ?
Best Answer
Loopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
You might find this useful. It's a live mapping session Ralf did a while back that demonstrates the use of the House and Street tools, including the settings.
With those odd shapes it might be easier to draw them individually using the House tool with the 'House shape 9' setting, which will allow you to draw a 4 sided house any shape or size you want.
Actually, I would like just to draw house along the streets, without following the shape.
You might find this useful. It's a live mapping session Ralf did a while back that demonstrates the use of the House and Street tools, including the settings.
thanks !