Layering the Same Fill without pitting in Worthington Historical

I was studying the Scotland map from issue 91. I noticed that it layers mountains and hill on top of each other. They are on two different layers, but every setting is exactly the same. There is nothing between those layers. There is a glow sheet effect.
I tried creating my own map (much larger though). It pits when I use the same fill on two layers directly on top of each other. I copied the glow effect over (which is the same on both layers). It still pits on my map. I increased the glow effect, but it still didn't fix it.
I am wondering if anyone knows why the Scotland map won't pit, by mine does?
Do you have a screen shot, or maybe the FCW?
Checking this Annual issue following Julian's query, there are further oddities about it.
Creating a new map file for a test drawing, I found there are no effects on either of the mountains sheets in a new file (the sheets set-up is to have the TERRAIN HILLS one immediately below TERRAIN HILLS 2, and TERRAIN MOUNTAINS below TERRAIN MOUNTAINS 2). When I copy those effects over directly from the Scotland map, and draw using the mountain drawing tool, I get pitting on the TERRAIN MOUNTAINS 2 sheet, just as Julian says. However, if I try drawing a new area on on the TERRAIN MOUNTAINS 2 sheet of the sample Scotland map using the default tool, that ALSO shows pits, unless I keep the area small and simple!
Both the TERRAIN HILLS sheets do come with their Glow effects emplaced in a new file, but there's no pitting with them. I wonder though if that may be because the default hills drawing tool uses only the Solid 10 bitmap fill, rather than anything textured. The default mountain tools both use the Land Brown CA91 fill.
The Solid 10 fill is a transparent bitmap and hasn't ever been known to cause transparency acne.
Not yet, anyway.
There are actually multiple presets with this for effects. I found if I changed it to a larger size, it added effects to the sheets and even added new sheets. It still pitted though.
Here is the Scotland FCW if that is what you are looking for.
Moderator edit: Attachment removed.
Thanks Sue. Useful to know!
Julian, I don't think the EULA allows you to post that Scotland FCW file from CA91 here, as you weren't its creator.
@JulianDracos Sorry - I meant your FCW of the map you are having problems with.
I wouldn't say I was having problems with it. I was just confused as to how the Scotland map doesn't have pitting, but it happens in almost all the other maps. But if it helps, here is the FCW.
I'm not able to explain it either, but I created a new sheet called "Backing sheet" and copied the polygon from TERRAIN MOUNTAINS 2 onto it with no sheet effects. It seems to be ok now. Let me know if it stops working, or doesn't work as well as I first thought.
I added some mountains on and the new mountains have pitting. So weird.
They will, until you copy those same new polygons to the backing sheet.
Oh, I thought it was blank. So Copy the polygon, but leave the effects off. I started using solid 10 on the backing sheet to get it to work because I thought it had to be different.
It seems you can just directly copy the polygon across and leave it as it is. Less hassle that way.