Live Mapping: Woodland Town

Hi everyone! :D
This week, Ralf will be taking another look at mapping a town in a heavily wooded area, partly continuing from an earlier video on Symbol Set 6 - Cities of Schley.
Come along and join in the live chat on YouTube here:
Or you can watch it here on the forum if you prefer (though there's no live chat here)
I am looking forward to this one.
Related: I would love someday to see a demo creating an elven village, preferably in the Mike Schley style. I’ve searched the YouTube channel and haven’t seen that done yet. Apologies if it’s there and I missed it.
30 minute shout :)
I have Symbol Set 6 Isometric Cities of Schley. Isn't this really Symbol Set 5?
Yes, we made a mistake between us.
Thanks, Sue
I have to say that the bevel effects in CC3+ are really starting to annoy. I can't achieve a look I like as either the effects are so faint you really have to strain your eyes to see them or, so stark they stretch the limits of credibility. I'm hoping in CC4 we have something much more versatile. This isn't the place for it, but I'd also like a way to do black and white contours denoting elevations like Mike Robel does but with less gut-wrenching tedium.
Has the fcw been posted somewhere ?
Not yet, Jim, but I'm sure it will appear sometime in the next few days.
Okay, not in a hurry. I was just wondering.
Here's the map I was working on in the video session.
Downloaded ! Thanks !