Which is the best Template for a Game of Thrones Overland map and City Map?
Hello everyone;
Sorry for asking so much, I apologise but there are to many questions. Anyway if i want to try do a Overland Map of Westeros (my girlfriend is a huge fan and i think this would be a nice birthday present :D) which are the better assets for doing it in your opinion
Thank you guy, I will try post less :D
Don't worry about asking too many questions, Tako. There are never too many questions.
And that was my main answer.
I'm sorry - I did search for the 'official Game of Thrones map' and various other combinations of those words, but I didn't find anything that was some kind of bone fide official map to get an idea of what you want. Instead I got all kinds of very different variations of the same land masses done in hundreds of different styles. So maybe if you could provide a link to the one you regard as being the definitive map I might have a better idea of what you are looking for.
I suggest a hyperlink to the ideal map because every one of these maps are copyright to the artist and should not be reposted here on the forum without their permission.
Thank you, dont regret 😉😉😉😉.
Maybe i didnt explain well , It was an open questions i am not looking recreate a map style instead i was looking for assets could fit on a GoT map, dark colors, no cartoon symbols... I dont know if i am explaining. Anyway i Will look if there IS a map style i like and post It here ,😆😆😆
Thank you
Here is a low rez version of westeros I have done. I would put up a higher rez version, but there are many people outside of the US/EU that take maps for IP that other people have done and sell prints as their own on Etsy.
wooow is amazing, i want do it , is a present XD buy it is the easy way
I am not completely sure if I follow. If you want to make you own, I used Spectrum Overland, but I think I did modify a couple of symbols for use in the map I made.
If you are asking to purchase a print, I do have some. They are 18 by 12 inches in size. Send me a message on here and we can work out the details.
Yes sorry, my english maybe is not so polish. My plan is recreate my self GoT map for my girlfriend, thats why i was asking which assets could fit better with a map for GoT. The present is not the map it self is doing by my self :D.
If I were to do Westeros type maps, I would use either the Jonathon Roberts overland styles (there are 2, I think the 2nd is called the Midlands style based on work he did for Kobold Press?) or the 13th Age style. Jon actually did an official map pack for Westeros and it's amazing!
I will check that styles :D, thank you very much
It's actually Midgard...