Temple of Rama-Tut

I'm going to be running a Marvel Multiverse game soon and from the published adventure (The Cataclysm of Kang) it seems as if they are a map short. There are references to the map of the Temple of Rama-Tut, but no map!
I decided to have a go at doing such a map with some of the new art styles I now have access to and with Mike Schley's style. Here are the results.
This one is with John Robert's style.
These two are with Sues, Creepy Crypts
The reason for the greenery is in the adventure it mentions the sight in ancient Egypt is not one you would read about in the history books. it is green with plants, flowers and trees among the arid lands.
This is with Mike Schleys style, which is the one I'm going to use as the first 3 don't seem grand enough and this is a copy of part of the temple at Karnak.