Forest depictions for large overland map.
Here are seven different depictions of forest that I would like your opinions on as to which is best. It is for a commission I have, and also will be used in my own Ukadarlia project.
If you have other thoughts, that is also welcome, but i really want to know which one you like best, and also the one you like least, even if you don't like any of them.
Each has dense forest in the centre, and woodland at the periphery.
- Which style do you like best12 votes
- Erdan Worlds0.00%
- 1th age0.00%
- Jon Roberts41.67%
- Mike Schley41.67%
- Here be Monsters8.33%
- Darklands8.33%
- Fenlon B0.00%
Of the choices
First Choice - Jon Roberts / Darklands which would be first would depend on the purpose of the map / mood
Second place - Mike Schley
Third Place - Erdan Worlds / Felon B
Last Place - 13th Age / Here be Monsters don't care for either one at all.
Wondering why you left out Spectrum Overland as it has the widest choice of different tree types?
@Jeff B I agree about Spectrum, and I think I may also include that. Interesting that the one with fewest symbols is the most favoured one so far. so I guess it is the distribution, and how it looks on a large map that counts. I used Mike Schley for my Ukadarlia maps. Still undecided which is best.
Here is the Spectrum style, then.
I say insightful, as I like the idea of a poll for this.