Are gift certificates available?
Royal Scribe
🖼️ 286 images Mapmaker
in Site Matters
Apologies if this question is inappropriate. I’ve searched the forums and couldn’t find anything. Does PeoFantasy sell gift certificates? I didn’t see anything like that available for sale on the site.
I think I asked something similar a few years ago. Basically, you can buy it. They will send a code to your email. You then provide them with the link/code and they can redeem it on their account.
Julian is right. That is the way the software is normally gifted. As long as you don't register the code yourself first there's no problem. Just forward the email to the recipient.
Thank you for the good suggestion.
Last year, I asked about the availability of gift certificates (my very first post, actually), and it was suggested to buy what you want to gift and then instead of registering it, forward the email with the registration code to the recipient.
It's a good solution for those of us familiar with the site mechanics and know what we want to gift. It doesn't really work, though, if the buyer doesn't know what the recipient already has or would want to get, or if multiple people might want to gift something to the same recipient but were risking buying the same thing. (I am greedily thinking of myself as the recipient, and how people always ask me what I want...and how would I explain this process to folks who don't use ProFantasy?)
Anyway, I wanted to revive this idea well enough before the holidays to see if ProFantasy had the ability and resources (knowing that there are many priorities competing for scant time) of creating a gift certificate option.
Thank you!