Newbie Hammer here

Heya, I got the whole shebang some months back. I was looking for software fit for making all sorts of maps for my TTRPG needs, as I'm far from an artist and finding maps off the internet doesn't tend to fit with the specific encounters/areas my players are going through. I didn't realize just how much this software is capable of doing, and I realized that I would need all the help I could get, so I got everything I could for learning how this works.

I'm still working through the CC3 essentials, which could probably use some minor updates at some point in the future as there are interface differences that make some instructions not as clear as a result, but it hasn't impeded me. I will say though, trying to draw terrains has not been precise or very pleasant to me so far, but I imagine that's because I don't know a lot of the tricks that the manual/Tome will teach me later.

I'm hoping to get a grip on this software and improve my tabletop sessions from theatre of the mind to actual maps, overland and otherwise. Good to meet you all, and I hope to learn much and maybe one day contribute in my own way!


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