Dragonlance map from DL3 Dragons of Hope

I'm hoping to run a Dragonlance campaign soon. An original 1st ed campaign in the war of the Lance. I need a good map and several came with the modules. In DL3 they had a huge map of eastern Abanasynia it is A1 size I think (8 x A4). My skills at copying are not good enough to reproduce this map so I thought it was beyond me. However, I found a high res scan of the map on the net and have traced it. I used Sue's Darklands style with some Mike Schley symbols. I post the first map I made, and the original map by Dennis Kauth and/or Elizabeth Riedel from DL3 (1984).
After looking at the map I thought I'd done a fair job of reproducing it, especially the way the original cartographers drew the canyons, but maybe I could improve it.
If you're going to run a campaign, have you visited here: https://dragonlancenexus.com/ ? Might have some resources to help you out.
Thanks thehawk