Expanding Endless Sea of Ice FR

FrostyFrosty Surveyor
edited December 2023 in Community Support

Hey folks,

Looking to expanding the FR Atlas map for the far Northern Area of the Endless Ice Sea, in particular the area along the Western Coast.

First I want to use the right symbol set so that it matches. I did see the link to the FR Atlas site and I did see there was a link to CC2 Symbols and claims they come with the Atlas. Where are those symbols installed so I can make sure to use them?

Second Going to start looking for any content Wizards of the coast has put out in the area to add to the map and I imagine I will point to any published items for detailed areas they have created content for. Any pointers to things that people are aware of I should add would be great.

Example: DNDBeyond has an adventure called Prisoner13 which has a map of a place called "Revels End" In words it describes it as being in this area but just has a small map showing that it is along the coast. This is the prison we also saw in the movie "Honor Among Thieves."

Might take me a bit to figure out how the hyperlinks work and make it look right but I am mainly doing it for a friend who has created a campaign in this area and thought while I do it perhaps i could give back to the community and even Wizards if they want it.


  • I'm not sure how much information you may have access to beyond the FRIA (which is something I don't have), but there's a lot more detail in this general region of Faerun than the map you've shown here. Of the more recent products, I suspect only "Icewind Dale" will add much, and that chiefly for the Ten Towns region, towards the coast, but you might be advised to see earlier products as well, of which "Forgotten Realms, The North: Guide to a Savage Frontier" (for D&D 2e) might be a useful starting point. There were various subsequent TSR products that included bits and pieces about the area too, though it's been over seven years since my own detailed researches into the old publications covering the northern Sword Coast region, and I'll have forgotten more today than I can easily recall quickly, I'm certain!

    If you can find a copy, Karen Wynn Fonstad's "The Forgotten Realms Atlas" (also by TSR) is definitely worth seeing too, since it's one of those rare publications that treats Toril as a round planet, not a flat map-plane, and shows a lot more of the, as it turns out, massive polar ice cap the Endless Ice Sea feeds north into. Detailed additions are though very few beyond that. The mapping style is very different, and I found it gave a fresh perspective on the planet, and this area, in general.

  • Hmm I have the savage frontier and my search this morning I found the Rime one in Icewind Dale and saw it was very mapped out so I am going to focus North of that and just mark those spots and "point" to those resources. The other Atlas you mention is not one I have..I think Oh wait I might.. I have an old box set that might be that.

  • edited December 2023


    I did see the link to the FR Atlas site and I did see there was a link to CC2 Symbols and claims they come with the Atlas. Where are those symbols installed so I can make sure to use them?

    I don't know if there's an "official" answer for this, but here's a few pointers.

    First, I couldn't find the symbols after installing FRIA, but you can download an installer for CC3 (not "plus", more on that) from the support page for the FRIA site. There's some certificate issues with the link, so your browser might hesitate. If I manually paste it and open it in a new tab, Chrome allows me to tell it I know what I'm doing and allow the download.

    Then comes the biggest hurdle: that installer expects to see both FRIA and CC3 (and not CC3+) installed, so it might refuse to install it. Unless, of course, you have the non-plus version of CC3 installed. You might be able to unpack the installer in some other way, but I now realize that I don't know if there's legal stuff that would advise otherwise. So I'll propose another option..

    CC3+ is capable of opening the maps from FRIA with no problems, and since you own both products, you can simply open the maps from CC3+ and edit away.

    I will say that I encountered a small problem with symbol fills if I try to reopen them in FRIA.


    If you can find a copy, Karen Wynn Fonstad's "The Forgotten Realms Atlas" (also by TSR) is definitely worth seeing too

    The PDF is available at DTRPG:

    And also:

    You can see the index for both products from the preview, but no "list of maps" sadly.

    They're still sitting on my wishlist, so I don't know if you'll find the maps you're wishing for... but do let us know if you do buy them or find your physical copies. :)

  • Icewind Dale, the Savage Frontier, the Great Glacier, the Bloodstone Lands (going with the theme of examples on Drive Through): Different but related, I have had a huge appreciation for Karen Wynn Fonstad's work for a long time. We lost her and her talents way too soon.
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