Expanding Endless Sea of Ice FR

FrostyFrosty Surveyor
edited December 2023 in Community Support

Hey folks,

Looking to expanding the FR Atlas map for the far Northern Area of the Endless Ice Sea, in particular the area along the Western Coast.

First I want to use the right symbol set so that it matches. I did see the link to the FR Atlas site and I did see there was a link to CC2 Symbols and claims they come with the Atlas. Where are those symbols installed so I can make sure to use them?

Second Going to start looking for any content Wizards of the coast has put out in the area to add to the map and I imagine I will point to any published items for detailed areas they have created content for. Any pointers to things that people are aware of I should add would be great.

Example: DNDBeyond has an adventure called Prisoner13 which has a map of a place called "Revels End" In words it describes it as being in this area but just has a small map showing that it is along the coast. This is the prison we also saw in the movie "Honor Among Thieves."

Might take me a bit to figure out how the hyperlinks work and make it look right but I am mainly doing it for a friend who has created a campaign in this area and thought while I do it perhaps i could give back to the community and even Wizards if they want it.


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