(WIP) Night City

So I'm about to start up Cyberpunk Red again. I was thinking of making maps of certain parts of the city. At the same time, I noticed
So that inspired me to start with the overall map to practice techniques. I like the building style that Steven did. I can't reproduce it, so I tried something else. Not really sure if it works.
Anyway, any suggestions on how to make it look better/more cyberpunk let me know. The light green of most of the map will be replaced.
That map of Steven's is a great map, and it is a pity he hasn't presented it in a thread so we can express our general appreciation of his work. However, since you are interested in creating something similar yourself a general approach might be to create your own House style using simple grey tone fills, change the land colour to something off-white, then add a new sheet with a Blend Mode set to Multiply right at the bottom of the sheet list where you can draw the overlying coloured polygons.
Nice start, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished
Mee too. The glowing lines already look very Cyberpunk.
You could try going for a "black and neon" colour scheme, with a black background (maybe dark blue for the sea) and differently neon-coloured streets and buildings (with inner and outer glow effects).
"Night City, AHWOOOO!" 😎
Wow looks great so far, the neon style is cool!
I pretty much did what Loopysue said. I used the CDC3 Cyberpunk building style and only decreased the bevel size from 10 to 5. The districts are flat colored polygons on a sheet with Blend Mode: Multiply; opacity 60%.
I used this map as additional reference for street layout:
I just used the map in CP Red core. I was unsure about some things being roads or highways, so I then look at the CP 2077 map and it indicated they were all highways. But I do think I like the alternative source map posted here.
Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't know CD3 had a cyberpunk building style. I did find it. However, they look nothing like the buildings in Steven's map. I might end up using them though. If not for this map, for the smaller sections of the city map.
How do I create my own building style? Or if that just trying polygons? That seems time consuming if I have to draw every building.
You can easily set up your own House style, and then use it to create your own Street styles.
The process is shown in several of the live mapping sessions. I will be back to edit and add a few links when I've found a good one.
EDIT: Try this one, Julian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dLtzBiObwY
I don't know why the buildings look different. Here are the settings I used.
Feel free to check out my .fcw file if you want to see how I did it.
Thanks. It looked different because I was looking at the default symbols, not the custom ones.
I'm still playing around with the houses to learn how to make them look nice. For the moment, I think I am doing to do a different color building for each section of town. I am going to avoid doing an Blend. At least so far.
I have played around with the housing. Before I continue with it, I thought I would see what people thought and if there were any suggestions for the housing.
It looks like it's coming on nicely to me :)
Yes. Looks good - and Cyperpunk.
Will you keep the background colour similar to the houses, go "back to black", shade the buildings a little brighter / darker or do something entirely different?
For now, I am going to keep the background a similar color. Once done, I may make it all black if it seems too redundant.
Here is what it looks like so far without the background color.
This is taking some time to draw all the blocks.