My first isometric city map

Hi all, today I'm posting my first SS6 Isometric Cities map.

I've been working on it for a week or two and although I don't think it's perfect yet, I want to share it with you. It would be nice to receive some comments. Do you think it is an attractive city map? Please let me know if you discover any small errors. I would like to improve that.

I found it most difficult to fill in the outer areas. Finally I did that with forests and farmlands and I added a rural area at the bottom right. As always when I work with CC3+, the most difficult thing is to select only those symbols that I want to do something with and not to coincidentally click on 2 or 3 other entities. I fervently hope this gets resolved in CC4!

LoopysueMonsenMapjunkieCalibreQuentenRickoJimPGeorgeGlitchWyvernand 1 other.


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