Easiest way to migrate to a new computer

I'm going to be getting a new computer soon and was wondering if there was an easier way to migrate all the software (I have everything) than downloading and installing?

If it matters, I have everything on the D: drive due to the huge space it all takes with a link from the install directory on the C: drive. Also, it would be from Windows 10 to Windows 11.



  • The easiest is to just take the D drive out of your current computer and use it in your new computer.

    The other option would be to install the base programs on the new PC. Then copy all of the annuals and other file directories over to their corresponding location on your new PC. You would need to have the PCs on the same network and likely change some permissions to get access to the files.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    edited October 2023

    Oddly enough I never thought of doing it that way at all. I just redownloaded all the installers and reinstalled everything fresh and new on my new machine last December. Although it takes a bit of time it means that if anything has been updated in any of those installers I get the updated versions. The drawback is if you have made your own symbols, fills and styles. I had to transfer those across as folders and files and put them in the right place.

  • I always do a fresh install. Unless you have crappy internet. Plus you are guaranteed the most recent builds.

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