"Dirt and Grass Light Bitmap" won't load even on a new map

Got the entire suite of Profantasy products except I dont have all the annuals. When i choose "Dirt and Grass Light Bitmap" as a back ground colour on a new map, or if I change properties on the background the asset wont load. I tried other "Dirt and Grass" and "Grass and Dirt" bitmaps on a new map and all i get is a blank white background. Am I missing something obvious??


Best Answers

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    When you are using the new map wizard the default settings should provide you with a background you can pick. There is also a checkbox in that dialog that allows you to switch the background off entirely. It could be that you accidentally unchecked it, which would result in a missing background.

    Try to concentrate on sheets rather than layers, which are of secondary importance only. If you do play with the layers (bulk hiding/freezing and unhiding/unfreezing things make sure you don't ever hide MERGE (which does some really important things behind the scenes), and try to keep MAP BORDER and SCREEN (once you have created one) frozen once you are done with creating or adjusting them. Things like that have a tendency to get deleted by mistake if they aren't frozen. Some people also freeze the BACKGROUND layer to make sure that doesn't get accidentally selected and deleted either.

  • 20 days later
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    Very odd.. the scale bar is on the MERGE layer as I can see when toggle MERGE hide on and off, yet when i select MERGE layer and hide all the other layers the scale bar disappears. Seems counter-intuitive shrugs

    This is a special case that happens with symbols. The thing that happens is that all symbols have their definition on the SYMBOL DEFINITION layer. And if you hide the definition, the symbol disappears. So symbols will always be hidden either if you hide the layer it is on, OR if you hide the SYMBOL DEFINITION layer. So if you are trying to get to an entity by hiding all the other layers, make sure you leave SYMBOL DEFINITION still visible.

    As JimP says though, it shouldn't be on the MERGE layer, so use change properties on it to put it somewhere else.



  • 20 days later
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer

    Can you share the FCW file with us?

  • I think it's related to the Annual Fantasy Inn template. I see that the template is an option but was released in Annual 3 which I don't have.. not sure.. Here's the file.


  • edited September 2023

    Uh.. no, not related to Annual 3. Bought it, installed it and same white blank background :/

    I've replicated the problem on my laptop on which i installed CC3+ on years ago.. it doesn't run as well though, so don't use typically.

  • Tried goofing around in Layers freezing all and thawing all and that seemed to fix it.

    Thx for your time, Loopy Sue :D

  • ... and now it's a problem again .. lol *shrug*

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer

    Sorry - I had to go to bed shortly after I made that request, so I wasn't any help at all.

    When I opened the map this morning there were only lines on the background and no background fill polygon, but there were a few other things not on the right layer. Use List from the Info menu on everything visible when the map opens and you get this:

    Either the background polygon wasn't there to start with or was accidentally deleted. We may never know.

    Only the map border itself should be on the MAP BORDER layer, though it can be on any sheet. Whatever is on the MAP BORDER layer defines the edge of the map within CC3 and controls how it is exported if the "Restrict image to map border" option is checked in the export options dialog when you export your finished map.

    I see you have replaced the frame and drawn a screen on the FCW you shared. This can be done more efficiently after you have set up your custom frame by using the screen commands explained in this blog by Remy Monsen.


    Since things are a little muddled on this map, and since I don't think you started the actual drawing part of it yet, I recommend starting a fresh new map and using the sheets (not the layers) to hide everything but the map border so you can modify that first, then showing all the sheets again and using the relevant collar commands from that blog to generate your screen.

    Shout again if you have any more problems.

  • Hi :)

    I guess I’m mystified why it would be “muddled” since the map was saved the moment after it was created. It does seem like there was never a background layer created. I managed a workaround by applying the bitmap texture to the map border. Seems weird but it worked.

    I’ll review that vid. Thx


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    When you are using the new map wizard the default settings should provide you with a background you can pick. There is also a checkbox in that dialog that allows you to switch the background off entirely. It could be that you accidentally unchecked it, which would result in a missing background.

    Try to concentrate on sheets rather than layers, which are of secondary importance only. If you do play with the layers (bulk hiding/freezing and unhiding/unfreezing things make sure you don't ever hide MERGE (which does some really important things behind the scenes), and try to keep MAP BORDER and SCREEN (once you have created one) frozen once you are done with creating or adjusting them. Things like that have a tendency to get deleted by mistake if they aren't frozen. Some people also freeze the BACKGROUND layer to make sure that doesn't get accidentally selected and deleted either.

  • 20 days later
  • Hi.. I remedied that last problem by creating completely new sheets and deleting the other originals

    Anyways, I'm working on a new map and for some reason MERGE layer is hiding my contour lines. Why would it be doing that? What is MERGE used for? If I hide everything on the MERGE layer, nothing is on it yet I cannot delete it. It's a problem. Why do I need it? Why do I need any layers, for that matter. 😣

  • Uhh... I guess I'm not using contour lines properly. I keep getting "CC3 does not understand the command: =CONTOUR,"

    *slams head into keyboard* 😥😣

  • Very odd.. the scale bar is on the MERGE layer as I can see when toggle MERGE hide on and off, yet when i select MERGE layer and hide all the other layers the scale bar disappears. Seems counter-intuitive *shrugs*

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    It shouldn't be on the merge layer. CC3+ will sometimes put something on that layer, in my experience, if it cannot find the layer it belongs on.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    Very odd.. the scale bar is on the MERGE layer as I can see when toggle MERGE hide on and off, yet when i select MERGE layer and hide all the other layers the scale bar disappears. Seems counter-intuitive shrugs

    This is a special case that happens with symbols. The thing that happens is that all symbols have their definition on the SYMBOL DEFINITION layer. And if you hide the definition, the symbol disappears. So symbols will always be hidden either if you hide the layer it is on, OR if you hide the SYMBOL DEFINITION layer. So if you are trying to get to an entity by hiding all the other layers, make sure you leave SYMBOL DEFINITION still visible.

    As JimP says though, it shouldn't be on the MERGE layer, so use change properties on it to put it somewhere else.

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