Maps from my first campaign - Lebensglück

Hello everyone,

Since my last map was mentioned and generally liked, I wanted to share some maps from my very first GM campaign and basically the first few maps I made. As this was my first campaign using this tool, I tried different styles and CC3+ tools.

Name: Lebensglück - Overlandmap

Style: Overland Mike Schley

I played this adventure with two parties at the same time, and one party spoiled itself. To avoid any metagaming, I simply changed the story to a bit of hell, hence the colour change.

Name: Lebenglück - Fishermens Rest

Style: Annual Jon Roberts Cities

Name: Lebensglück - Farm

Style: SS4 Forlorn Cottage

Name: Lebensglück - Steep Creek Bridge

Style: Perspective Herwin Wielink

Name: Lebensglück - Road light plane

Style: SS4 Forlorn Cottage

Name: Lebensglück - Road light Forest

Style: Dungeon DD3 Color

The campaign in a nutshell:

Player druids burning down nature is becoming a staple in my campaigns...

JimPLoopysueroflo1GeorgeQuentenAleDRalfMonsenWyvernRickoand 1 other.


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