Making floorplans for houses creates the house but not the floor where to put symbols

When I create floorplans for my house it doesn't create it so that I can place the symbols to it.
When it should be like this:
When I create floorplans for my house it doesn't create it so that I can place the symbols to it.
When it should be like this:
Sorry for double posting.
This happens only for those houses which are picked from the list, those houses which are made by yourself show the way like the image above.
That problem occur if you just insert the house image into your drawing instead of the actual house symbol.
There are more information in the symbol than just the image, and CC3+ needs this information to generate a proper floorplan from the building.
The reason you have just a house image and not a house symbol in your map in the first place is most likely through the use of the Open Symbol Catalog
button. When you click this, you can either browse and pick a symbol catalog file (.fsc file), OR you can browse to a folder full of images, pick any image, and then have all the images from the folder showing up in the symbol catalog window. But if you do the latter (pick an image instead of symbol catalog when browsing) it means you will only get them as images, NOT symbols, because the extra information is in the symbol catalog file.
Instead, you should ALWAYS pick a symbol catalog file (.fsc), or just use the symbol catalog buttons in the toolbar as they will load the symbol catalogs properly.