Insert a smaller map Annual issue ?
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I looked through the resources page on the Annual issues, but didn't see it. Search of the forums, my search fu must be off as I didn't see it there either.
I want to make some rooms, and then add them into my Starfinder Akiton down port maps.
Thanks !
Do you mean setting-up the maps something like the Community Atlas, Jim, where you can click a hyperlink in a CC3+ map to go to a new map? If so, this is the Annual issue you'll need, from 2008.
Not link maps, but insert a small map on one side of a larger map.
Very busy today so this will have to be it for any posting.
An inset map, then?
As far as I know you just draw it in situ, or if you've already drawn it as a separate map, make a space for it in the big map and paste it into place.
I wasn't sure. I must have been thinking of the travel map with the circle symbols for locations.
I think what I'll try... no idea when, is to make a map, shrink it via Irfanview, and place it on top, and to one side, of the down ports.
Too much going on right now though.
Hmm... I think I can make circular areas using the Annual Modern Journeys and inserting them into the down port maps. The scale may be a bit of a problem... but there is a blank circle symbol and I'm working with it.
Here is what I've done so far.