
I've been playing around with switching betwen symbol sets to make a B&W overland map (specifically, using Mike Schley Inks and the base and adding in CA44 landform.)

The experiment really didn't work out, and now it looks like I've broken the drawing style - whenever I want to use the land default drawing style, I get something like this:

I think I found the problem - it looks like somehow the default style broke:

It looks like Land, Default tool for the MSI style got replaced by the Landforms drawing tool? If I change the tool to the Landforms tool by hand I get the same issue, whereas if I choose the... I duno, the non-inks Mike Schley tool, or the fractal box/circle options it works fine.

I've tried creating a new Mike Schley inks map from scratch, and it's still broken. How can I fix it?

Also, I don't think I did anything that would have overridden the template (just changed the master filter options for the switch styles tool) but if anyone has an idea how I broke it so I can avoid doing it in the future, it'd be much appreciated. Finding CC3+ to be a great tool, but also a bit of a minefield at the moment.


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