First map - next steps ?

I am a full beginner in mapping.
My first map is redraw of Earthdawn Barsaive:
In your opinion, what would be next steps to get something cleaner ?
I fear I mixed some symbols styles.
I am a full beginner in mapping.
My first map is redraw of Earthdawn Barsaive:
In your opinion, what would be next steps to get something cleaner ?
I fear I mixed some symbols styles.
That looks like a great start wintermute :)
Have you tried viewing it with the sheet effects turned on? You can do that by checking the box called 'Activate Sheet Effects' at the top of the Sheets and Effects dialog. (You get this dialog by clicking the Sheets and Effects button
on the left toolbar).
As you have mixed styles together I don't know what sheets and effects you have in this map, so it may not look as you want it to look straight away. However, with a little patience you can add, delete and edit the effects on each sheet to make things right.
Thank you for your feedback !
Indeed, I forgot to apply effects:
As for the styles, my mastering of symbols catalog is still fuzzy, I will go back to documentation.
Beside that, I have a problème with special characters (in French). Do you already had such an issue ?
I found difficult to not leave empty space so I maybe overdid it.
That looks much better with the effects on.
You're French? You have very good English.
I don't use accents, so I don't know if there is a problem with them. Do you mean in CC3 or on the forum?
Thanks ! :D
In CC3. As you may see on the map, some names letters are missing, that's because CC3 may not spport UTF-8 encoding.
I just made a test with Times New Roman which goes without problem.
It is a font issue.
Sad, because those fonts are nice.
Unfortunately a lot of fonts created in the last decade or so have been lacking what I would call essential characters. I think some of the creators may lack proper training for the job.
Some don't have all parts of letters.
Another question is more basic: as a general rule, do you try to not let any empty space ?
In mountains zones, I still have some background appearing and it does not feel right.
In plains, I put some scrubs to occupy space but it is a bit random...
Another point: as a beginner, I used Mike Schley style. What other style would you recommand for fantasy ?
I also have a renaissance game on the shelf and I am looking for an adequate style:
If you have any suggestion, it would help !
Early Modern City, in the first annual, 2007. Or else 1930 Street Maps, issue 60, or Modern Road and street maps issue 53 - both Annual 5, 2011
Thanks !
Empty space on large map could indeed be mapped as empty. But a small section of it might show a few trees next to a dry gully.
On a large area, I would put one dead tree to represent that gully and a few dead trees.