Classic Medieval D&D Map

Hello everybody,
Here is a map from my main AD&D world. I'm using it as the map to set the Princes of the Apocalypse campaign in. It will be a 5th ed campaign. It is a classic feudal age setting, with an older empire that has broken into several kingdoms which are now threatened by giant tribes in the north, and an orc empire to the south.
Looks good !
Love the Isles. Cheers
Greets, Dak
Love this map. And, I'm stealing the way you do roads 😁
Hey, did you try the Islands style for those islands? Gah, can't recall name atm.
Hi Cal and thanks,
No, all the map is done in Mike Schley style, including the islands. This map is a trace from a larger map I drew. To do the islands I blew the trace up really large and tried to make the coast of the islands more intricate than was on the original map. I also added the Bevel effect to the land sheet.