Cannot Install DD3 in Vista
I was given CC3 and DD3 as a birthday gift yesterday and was excited to begin mapping. I got CC3 installed, and it runs just fine. However, when I try to install DD3, it demands a .net Framework for XP, and won't seem to let me install it regardless... Any fix for this?
If you encounter an error message telling you that you need .NET Framework installed, follow the instructions in this tech support topic, before returning here.
But when I click "This tech support topic", it links to the exact same page I was on.
I don't have the "Order Number" but I do have the serial number (Which I registered both CC3 and DD3)
If they do not have the order number, it can be retrieved here.
Note that you can still use the old installer under vista though, all you need to do is to install ".net framework 1.1" AND ".net framework 1.1 SP1". Both these are available from Note that the version numbers are spesific. Having say version 2.0 doesn't help you (all .net versions live side by side however, so you can have multiple versions installed at the same time without problems)
When I tried to install the .net framework, it said that it was not compatable with Vista... I think I'm missing something here.
EDIT: Ah, I downloaded the specific files you were speaking of, and they're now downloading, let's see if they're the ones I need.
To be honest, I have no idea how they will handle this, but my experience with ProFantasy is that they do their best to help the customer, so it is worth a shot. Just tell them that you received a retail version, and needs the new dependant version of the installers.
Oh, and I would very much like to know the outcome of this, for future reference.