Noob tip - creating a sheet that the Floor/Cave/etc tools default to

I've asked a few questions and wanted to give something back.... But am still rather new.

So here's a noob tip that's one of the most useful things I've learned:

The cave tool is useful for doing fractal textures, the floor tool is useful for doing straight textures, etc...

But they always default to a set sheet (so caves defaults to 'FLOORS' I think).

If you are working on a new sheet you've named ('eg Temple Floor, dirt'), it can be frustrating that the cave tool keeps defaulting back to the 'FLOORS' sheet.

If you want it to stick to the sheet you're working on, change your sheet's name to start with the 'default sheet's' name, eg:

'Floors, temple floor, dirt'

The tool will remain on a sheet that begins with the 'default' name (in this case 'floors'), instead of switching.

I hope that I've explained that clearly enough, and I hope it helps!



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