Do any styles have East European Symbols?

I am wanting to create a fantasy map that uses city symbols similar to those of East Europe. The closest I have scene are Oriental Symbols from Schley. I might be able to use those, but that actually look more Middle Eastern.
Edit: By city symbols, I meant overland map symbols of cities. Not symbols for use in making a city map.
East Europe is a pretty large area. Which part of it? I can then go and have a google street view at what you mean to compare with what I know about existing styles.
I am primarily thinking of the round and onion domes common in Ukraine/Russia. But similar things are found in Romania, Bulgaria, and other countries. I started watching season 2 of Shadow and Bone. They have maps in the first episode, and they used symbols for cities that gave a definitive Russian look. Some of them seemed more medieval and others more Victorian era. B
Although there are some other East European styles that would be nice:
There are onion domes in the City Domes issue of the 2018 annual if you want domes to add to other styles. They're based on Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. There are also plainer onion domes from other East European churches in that set.
The rooftops are pretty complex, but if you want to make complex roof shapes the House tool is your friend. It depends on how much detail you want to get into and how much time you want to spend on each building.
I am looking for overland symbols not city scale symbols. Maybe I will play around with the City Domes set to see if there is anyway I can use them with overland map symbols.
Oh sorry. No, not that I know of.
I did find the sanitarium symbol for Cthulhu City. That could work. I haven't found anything else.