Auto generate maps by standardized input files

Hey guys,

i got a question regarding CC3. Is there an option to import a standardized file (e.g. CSV) and auto generate a map from it?

I currently struggling with generating maps for a project but would need an option to generate at least the basic structure automatically.

Thanks in advance!



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    Hi Florian :)

    We don't currently have a random land mass generator built into CC3, but if you have Fractal Terrains you can generate an infinite number of worlds and export them, or parts of them, as CC3 maps. That lays down the coastline and contours but you still have to add the fills and symbols yourself in the CC3 map.

    We have a simple random city generator that comes with CD3, and you can also import data from Watabou random city generator to CC3 and use it to generate your own city map, whether you just trace the image or get a more direct result. The process is described in the January issue of the 2020 Cartographer's Annual, which also provides a style to use so that you can realise your Watabou cities fairly quickly.

    We don't currently have a random dungeon generator, but you can import images from any other random dungeon generator to use as a guide to draw your own in CC3.

    Florian Ostermeier
  • Thanks a lot @Loopysue

    my main usecase is making maps that are influenced by real world maps, i guess this is not an option too. In the end i would really want to automate that generation in some way.

    Are there any plans on implementing something like this?

  • edited March 2023

    Hi Florian. I don't know anything about ProFantasy's plans for future development, but you can always bring an image of the map you want yours to be influenced by into CC3+ on a temporary layer and use it as a guide for drawing your own version.

    Florian Ostermeier
  • Thx @Maidhc O Casain for your answer.

    Sounds like a good starting point. For my "perfect" workflow id really like to get rid of drawing all the houses and streets i already exactly know where to place because theyre a part of the real world, but it seems like this is not an option :(

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    While CC3+ can't import data files like CSV or similar,most drawing commands in CC3+ can be executed using a macro command. So if you are capable of writing a translator yourself to turn those CSV data into CC3+ text commands, that command file can be fed into CC3+ to draw things automatically.

    Florian Ostermeier
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    If you are looking for a random city generator that can do all of that try the Watabou one here. This is the generator I mentioned in my comment above. You could either print them directly from the Watabou page or use them as base maps in CC3. The 2020 annual would be a good buy if you decided to do that.

    Unfortunately, towns and cities do take a long time to map because they have a lot more detail than overland maps and cover a much larger area than a dungeon map.

    Florian Ostermeier
  • this may be a solution to my problem, thanks a lot! Ill definitely have a look.

    Thx, so you suggest to create the automated part with watabu and then add more styling and features with CC3+, did i get that right?

  • taustinoctaustinoc Surveyor
    edited March 2023

    There's no instructions for it, but for more modern city layouts, there's">, which will also export to SVG.

    And will draw all the streets (and nothing more) in most cities and towns in the US, and most everywhere else (SVG export is under Customize).

    Florian Ostermeier
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    Thx, so you suggest to create the automated part with watabu and then add more styling and features with CC3+, did i get that right?

    Yes, that's right. Watabou could give you the basic map and then you could either insert the bitmap export from Watabou into a city map of your chosen style in CC3, or get hold of the 2020 Cartographer's Annual and use the January "Watabou City" which provides full instructions on importing the city directly in a usable state to CC3 and the mapping style to work with it.

    Florian Ostermeier
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker

    What do you expect your input data to look like?

    CSV covers many possible variants on the theme of text file and some CC3 script files can be produced directly from certain kinds of CSV files. For example, CC3+ supports a script file which operates in the same way as entering commands at the command line. The following simple script file will draw a polygon when you type SCRIPT at the CC3+ command line and select the file, for example:


    The only weirdnesses here is an extra linefeed at the end to terminate the poly command and this is a closed entity. Basically, the script file is played through the CC3+ input system just as if you had typed each of those characters by hand.

    If your csv file looks something like


    (pretty close to the core of a simple SVG file), then it should be fairly minor work with find and replace to get the script file shown earlier.

    Florian Ostermeier
  • Thx for the insights, but this sounds promising. Of course i need to parse my file to match the input for CC3+.

    This sounds like it might work but is a lot of work until there :D

  • I make contour maps for my wargames. It is a laborious process, but FT3, for a technically savvy person can use it to import real terrain files, then scale and cut and paste it into CC3. Not me. I can't even get it to import the terrain files - many of which are free. But there are people that can help you learn to do it. I find Brute Force and Ignorence [BFI (TM)] more useful to me.

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