Drawing globe-spanning ley lines in Fractal Terrains
Hi All, I am in the foothills of learning the profantasy suite and have not been able to find an answer to this on the forums so far. Any advice appreciated.
Q: How would I draw a layer of leylines that span a global map I am creating in FT3?
Thanks in advance for all guidance.
Best Answer
Monsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
FT3 have limited support for adding details outside the actual planet. But you can use the Image Overlay. Should be a separate menu for it. From the overlay window, you can create new overlays to use as a drawing surface, and the Overlay Paint tool lets you paint on the overlay.
Not that the size of the overlay is it's resolution, so to avoid having country-sized pixels, you probably need to bump this up a bit from the default selected size of 512x256 when you create a new overlay.
You can export the overlay to an image and work in it in an external editor if you want more advanced painting tools, and then import it back into FT3.
FT3 have limited support for adding details outside the actual planet. But you can use the Image Overlay. Should be a separate menu for it. From the overlay window, you can create new overlays to use as a drawing surface, and the Overlay Paint tool lets you paint on the overlay.
Not that the size of the overlay is it's resolution, so to avoid having country-sized pixels, you probably need to bump this up a bit from the default selected size of 512x256 when you create a new overlay.
You can export the overlay to an image and work in it in an external editor if you want more advanced painting tools, and then import it back into FT3.
Thanks. I will explore that as an option.
Monsen, many thanks for the help here. I played around with the tools you suggested and think I have a way forward to produce the map I need. The good thing about doing this in this manner is that the lines will adjust regardless of the projection used. See crude example.