Ss6 not working


Bit of a lurker here, but anyway as a teaching aid I have used CC3 to make an island with my tiny primary school. We called it Skeldorini. I decided to makenrhe towns as well and bought SS6. Problem is it isn't working. It is probably user error. I have repaired the software option and ran it with CC3 but it still won't load up.

Does anyone have any ideas where am going wrong.


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer


    What do you mean when you say it won't load up? Doesn't CC3+ start with SS6 installed? Or don't you have the SS6 Templates in the City category in the new map wizard? Or are the symbol catalogs missing? I need some more information to try to figure out what the problem could be.

  • SS6 is not its own program. You can start a new city map and select it there. Or, you can load the symbols directly like you would any other map. You just need to navigate to where the symbols are stored.

  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker

    TO start a new SS6 map, doe the following:

    • Click the New Map button on top toolbar
    • Select map type Cities, click Next
    • Choose map style SS6 Isometric City and click Next
    • Set the dimensions of your map (you can leave them at default for a first map), click Finished and save your map.
    • The set of SS6 tools and catalogs should now have loaded you be able to start mapping.

    Let us know at what step this is going wrong.

  • Thanks people, sadly I wasn't sure why it wasn't working. I am not getting the cities appearing as a map type. If I choose decide the settings myself it still isn't there. When I reinstalled SS6 a pop up appeared and said something like do I want to run Cc3 with SS6. I clicked yes then nothing happened.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer

    Just to make sure we are all talking about the same thing here, this is a screen shot illustration of the process Ralf described.

    Click the new map button...

    That brings up this dialog:

    Then you select the Cities option and click Next, which brings up this dialog:

    If SS6 is installed you should find the highlighted option near the bottom of the list - shown in the above screen shot.

    Then you click Next again and go through the process of creating a new map in the SS6 style.

    The question then is: which part of this isn't working?

  • Hi Loopysue.

    I do the new drawing wizard and it has Dungeons, Overland maps and symbol catalogues and that is it.

  • Just for the sake of completeness, you keep referring to CC3, which is a thing, but the current version is CC3+, which is a different version. And SS6 is new enough that it's only available for CC3+. So I'm wondering which version you actually have.

  • Ralf sussed it... I thought I had upgraded to CC3+ I had forgotten that I had gone from CD to download and never actually upgraded.

    As I said at the start User Error!

    Cheers Ralf and everyone for their help.

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