Contour Outlines?

I've created the world I want, and have exported it into CC3 (actually, to CC2 and then converted the file to CC3), with each contour level as a multipoly and contour outlines as separate entities. There's a layer for Contour Outlines, but it's empty. Did I do something wrong?



  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    When I came up with my template to do contours as bitmap fills, I had to select the contours (land) sheet before I started drawing them. Otherwise they didn't show up there.
  • Unfortunately, that's not going to help. I generated the map in FT Pro (should have mentioned that to begin with) and then saved it as a CC2 file.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Lisa, it might be that FT doesn't put the outline on the correct layer. Do Try LIST on a contour ... is it two entities, one filled, one hollow? If yes, the hollow one is the outline. You could do a Change Layer, select by fill style "Hollow", to put all these on the correct layer.
  • No, it looks like it's just a single entity. Here's the first part of the info I get when I do a LIST:

    2d multipoly: color 0 (black) layer 25: RELIEF/CONTOURS
    line style 2 (dash) fill style 1 (solid)
    line width 0.0000 tag #10221 pen: 0.00 mm 2nd color: 90

    Then it goes on to list all the polygons that are part of the multipoly, their nodes, etc.

    I did check to see if the outlines had ended up on the same layer as the contour polys before I posted here, but no such luck. I'm hoping to avoid exploding the multipolies. Maybe I could simply copy the relief/contour layer onto a different layer, and then change the properties?

  • I went ahead and used the Copy to Layer command, then on the Contour Outlines layer changed all the multipolies to Hollow. That worked like a charm. Now I need to go back and change the contour polys to solid colors (no outlines).

    Still, if FT Pro is supposed to export the outlines seperately, I'd like to know what happened, or what I need to do in the future so I can avoid this extra step in map preparation. :)

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