Disappearing Symbols

Has anyone else had a problem with certain symbols mysteriously disappearing between one viewing of a map and the next? Not just the references but the entries on the map's symbol catalog? It doesn't seem to happen in one session but when I save and leave the map then go back to it.
I've had them on the wrong sheet type disappearing, but never had them disappear from the list of symbols in the map.
Do you save as multiple file names and accidentally loaded an earlier one ? I did that just today.
I've never had them disappear from the in map list.
If you are mixing styles and the symbols from a newly introduced style have the same name as those in the original or earlier style the FCW holds onto the first definition. It's hard to say what's going on, though. Maybe upload the FCW and list the missing symbols - see if we can add them and make them stay?
If you are hiding layers that might account for it, or even just the sheets. If you hide a sheet that might be the sheet those missing parts ended up on without you being aware they were there.
It's quite difficult to say what's happening without the FCW.
FWIW, the mezzanine is half a level below the street-stairs' landings and the basement level of connecting buildings. (And darn, I just noticed the door to the north ticket booth is missing!
It sounds pretty complicated with all these different levels in one map. Could it be something to do with the sheet ordering and things not being on the sheet you think they are on?
Without the FCW it's quite difficult to make a good suggestion. If this is a private commission of some kind and the FCW can't be uploaded here, maybe contact Tech Support for help?