duplicating the Tome pdf file

I would love it if there was an option to be able to save/save as it as an editable copy so I can bookmark specific pages instead of having to scroll to the page I want. I understand that there is a need to have the downloadable copy write-protected but my computer isn't being allowed to duplicate/copy the file. Why is this?

Best Answer

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    The file is locked for editing to ensure people don't create and publish modified versions of the document. Unfortunately, that also prevents creating personal bookmarks.

    There shouldn't be any problem duplicating the file. All the pdf viewers I load the protected file up in allows me to use save as to save a copy, or I can just go into the directory (@documentation) and make a copy manually using the windows file explorer. But none of this will change the write protection of the file however, it will just give you a second protected copy.

    To avoid scrolling to the page, I recommend using the bookmarks already there. Every single heading in the book is already bookmarked in the bookmark bar in the pdf file, displayed to the left in most pdf viewers. The entries are collapsed by default to avoid having to scroll through tons of bookmarks, it is easier to just expand the node you need. You can also click on the entries on the Table of Content pages to go directly to the page. If you know the page number you want, most pdf viewers also lets you easily jump directly to the page, in Acrobat for example, the shortcut is Shift+Ctrl+N, or simply click into the page box in the navigation bar and type in the page number there



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
    Accepted Answer

    The file is locked for editing to ensure people don't create and publish modified versions of the document. Unfortunately, that also prevents creating personal bookmarks.

    There shouldn't be any problem duplicating the file. All the pdf viewers I load the protected file up in allows me to use save as to save a copy, or I can just go into the directory (@documentation) and make a copy manually using the windows file explorer. But none of this will change the write protection of the file however, it will just give you a second protected copy.

    To avoid scrolling to the page, I recommend using the bookmarks already there. Every single heading in the book is already bookmarked in the bookmark bar in the pdf file, displayed to the left in most pdf viewers. The entries are collapsed by default to avoid having to scroll through tons of bookmarks, it is easier to just expand the node you need. You can also click on the entries on the Table of Content pages to go directly to the page. If you know the page number you want, most pdf viewers also lets you easily jump directly to the page, in Acrobat for example, the shortcut is Shift+Ctrl+N, or simply click into the page box in the navigation bar and type in the page number there

  • thanks for confirming what I suspected.

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